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Old 30-06-2005, 16:13   #31
Resident Waffler

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Re: Serious Topic - Do Women Have More Rights Than Men?

I remember women going out to work to "make ends meet" and then coming home and trying to do all the housework and cooking too. If a woman is expected to look after the home she shouldn't be expected to do a full days work like the man. That way she's doing twice as much and still for only half the money. Nobody gets paid for housework. Maybe if both share the household chores as well then it's not so bad but men just didn't in those days did they?

As for asking the husband for money, my parents and grandparents always had it the other way round. The husband worked and then handed over the whole wage packet, from which they were given a weekly sum for "expenses" (i.e. - going down the club) and the wife paid all the bills etc and took a little something for herself if there was any left. If she was very good at budgeting she also mannaged to save some for special occasions. I think it was usually the men asking the women for extra "subs"

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