Thread: London Alert
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Old 22-07-2005, 15:29   #32
Resting in Peace
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Re: London Alert

Garinda well said about letting police know ANY information and that members of ALL the coumminties have got to be open to the police when giving information.

I know that we're away from the Capital but it could still affect this area if some people take it into their own hands to "settle scores". These people will also have to be stopped as the coumminties are both upset over what has happened.

RE shoot to kill I think that if the police are faced with a sucide bomber that person is willing to die so why should they be allowed to take innocent people with them. The officers will have to live with the fact that they took someones life but at the end of the day it may have resulted in saving loads of passengers and fellow police officers.

Let us hope and pray that this is the end of these attacks (I doubt it) and that they dont start to bomb elsewhere!!!!
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