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Old 06-12-2005, 07:12   #16
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Re: Beware - Halifax scam

Originally Posted by Doug
But why aren’t these thugs closed down the authorities as soon as they start up.
Because you can run email from any internet connected computer. I could set up a thousand servers a day without any trouble.

The real problem is that most email clients(Outlook being the worst culprit) try to be helpful by hiding the real endpoint of any links in an email. They do this to be 'pretty'. When you hover over a link in an email it should show you the full address. Better stil, only ever use plain text for email. If you bin HTML mail you will never suffer as the full dodgy URL will be displayed for you to see.

Now onto the second 'problem' . Most people(although it is getting less and less every day) use Internet Explorer as their default browser. This has critical bugs that allow the spammers to even hide a real address in the browser bar such that you would believe that you were on the correct site . You click a pretty link in an email and it appears in your browser looking just as you would expect. Non techical people would not be to blame for thinking they were on the correct site and will often put details in.

The moral? Consider using a better(i.e. more secure) browser and only read(and send!) email in plain text.

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