Thread: disgusted
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Old 06-12-2005, 07:46   #34
Resident Waffler

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Re: disgusted

Originally Posted by chav1
ok since when does a belief that you dont eat ham lead to ham making you ill..?

I wondered that too. A muslim friend of my daughter at primary school used to do a "sausage swap" with her because she preferred th pork ones! Until her mother found out and she got told off. I only learned about it afterwards.

I do accept that to a devout and sincere muslim the eating of any pork meat is forbidden and they would never willingly or knowingly go against that. Schools usually try to accomodate with halal and non halal alternatives.

As most of you know my children are LDS (Mormon to most people) and most people know that we don't drink tea or coffee. It's very rare for either to be part of a school dinner but about 7 years ago, one winter, the children were given coffee at dinner time. My youngest daughter had no idea what it was and as the other children were drinking it she drank hers too. It was only when her sister (who had hers in a different school building) asked her what she'd had to drink instead of the coffee that she learned it was coffee and she was upset that she'd drunk it.

She wasn't sick and I wasn't disgusted. I did call in at the school the next day and explain to them and they made a little note that if coffee was ever on the menu again not to offer one to my daughter. I think she would have queried it anyway if they did because she knew to be aware of it then.

Yes, drinking coffee goes against the teachings of our religion but I don't believe my daughter was damned because she had some and I didn't see the need to make a public outcry about it. It was all done and dusted and over with the minimum of fuss.

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