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Old 11-12-2005, 06:46   #76

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Re: In Our Thoughts!

I think I know which school you are talking about Tinks.
Here are a few bits from its last Ofsted report. It is a few year old so they are probably due again soon.

Where the school has weaknesses
· Governors do not play an active enough role in the management of the school.
· Provision for pupils with special educational needs is unsatisfactory.
· Teaching and curriculum development are not adequately monitored and evaluated.
· Planning to ensure pupils’ progress and the continuity of their learning is unsatisfactory in most subjects,
and the information gathered through assessment is not used in planning the curriculum.
· Resources for learning, including textbooks, library stock, equipment and information technology resources,
are inadequate.
· There are not enough support staff.
· Statutory requirements are not met for:
- information technology in Key Stage 4
- appraisal
- the content of the school prospectus
- the content of the governors’ annual report to parents.
The parents’ views of the school
What some parents are not happy about

· Homework.
· They are not given a clear understanding of what is taught.
· The school does not handle their complaints well.
The small number of lessons where teaching is unsatisfactory shows that there are few major weaknesses. Yet many lessons, although satisfactory in promoting learning, are somewhat dull and uninspiring. The challenge for this school is to raise the standard of the teaching by emphasising high expectations, enthusiasm and energy.
The quality and range of resources for learning are poor: there has been little improvement in provision since the previous inspection.
There are insufficient textbooks to support the curriculum in many subjects, such as geography, history, mathematics, modern foreign languages, science and personal and social education. In English, pupils are
obliged to use texts for GCSE English Literature examinations which have been copiously annotated by candidates in previous years. There are not enough modern foreign language reading books for the demands of the National Curriculum.
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