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Old 06-01-2006, 18:58   #1
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"Mene, Mene, Tekel Upharsin"

A few weeks ago we were vastly encouraged to discover that one of our members, the lovely Gayle Knight no less, has decided to take the bull by the horns, as it were and tackle the menace of arrogant and unaccountable Council Leaders head on, when we read that she had agreed to stand for election to the council in opposition to the Idiot-in-Chief himself.

“Good on you Girl !” we all cried, though we knew that the battle to come would be a hard and bitterly fought one. We knew, even then, that Britcliffe, being the slimy weasel that he undoubtedly is, would stop at nothing to throw a spanner in the works and do his damndest to derail Gayle’s campaign before it even got off the ground.

We were not wrong.

In the past couple of weeks, in a move that struck me at the time as being a tad over the top, Britcliffe has busied himself ensuring that the Legal Department of HBC is monitoring every move that Gayle makes just in case she begins the campaign to unseat him by so much as one second before she is legally entitled to do so.

It was just the other day, that the fragrant Garinda, regaled us with the tale of a free Calendar distributed throughout Oswaldtwistle featurning photographs of the Idiot-in-Chief cosying up to hapless members of his electorate. Which to my ear sounded suspiciously like electioneering.

And now, from last weeks Observer (page 20) there comes the delightful announcement of the opportunity for the residents of Oswaldtwistle to pop into Ossy Town Hall for a couple of “Drop-in sessions”.

“It is very important to us to hear your views” the Observer reports him as saying.
Given Britcliffe’s previous responses when the electorate have dared to express their opinion or views, I find this hard to believe and, given that this is the first time he has ever held a Drop-in session, just a shade hypocritical. But then, as hardened cynics all, we know that politicians will do or say anything no matter how contradictory to hang on to their seats and our hard earned money. Incidentally, considering that this is his first ever “drop-in session” I think that it is pertinent to speculate on this apparent volte face. Why would someone who has more than amply demonstrated his utter contempt for the opinions of others be so anxious now to solicit them?

Could it be that the initiative of Gayle’s oddly similar recent meeting with the good people of Ossy has got him rattled? I do hope so.

It is perhaps a bit premature of me to advise the Idiot-in-Chief, who I am informed is an avid if anonymous reader here, to begin drafting his farewell address. But I will offer for his consideration the grafitti said to have been miraculously scrawled on the wall of the palace of King Belshazzar, in Daniel 5:25-28.

You, dear reader, are of course perfectly entitled to take the Idiot-in-Chief up on his offer and Pop along to one of his “Drop-in sessions”, which you will note are timed specifically to exlude the majority of working voters.

The Sessions will take place in the Craft Room of Oswaldtistle Town Hall at the following times…

Monday 9th Jan. 1pm-3pm

Tuesday 10th Jan. 10am – 12 noon.

Thursday 12th Jan. 4pm – 6pm.

Mmmmm! I can hear the knives being sharpened already. Have Fun!
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe

Last edited by Acrylic-bob; 06-01-2006 at 19:03.
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