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Old 15-01-2006, 20:10   #19
God Member
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Re: Router, login problem..

The problem I think stems from users being guided through lots of stuff automagically. Networks are by nature complicated things involving an understanding that most people don't have a clue about as it has all been hidden from them up to that point.

e.g. In the 'old' days to set up a dial up connection you needed to understand a bit about the technologies involved, TCP/IP, PPP, NAT, routing etc. You also had to understand networks, subnets etc. then we got the 'install CD' which did it all for you. AOL famously fell foul of this as their 'Internet' didn't use TCP/IP(which everyone else did) and used NetBUI instead which left horrendoeus problems for anyone trying to leave AOL.

Nowadays non technical users expect to be able to just plug something in and it work. However this leaves gaping great holes in security and understanding. If you don't know that doing X has consequence Y then how can you do something to avoid it? Then the PC gets the blame for not working properly and us techies get teh pleasure of fixing them. This itself has a very delicate position. Again in teh 'old' days you had computer shops who knew stuff. With the advent of cut throat pricing teh big boys put all teh knowledgeable people out of business. NOw there are very few shops who understand the kit/technologies they are selling. I often have wonderful converstaions with shops who have no idea what Linux is never mind whether this bit of hardware is supported. They often also don't understand the kit from a windows perspective and will only do what the average user does and read the book. If that doesn't fix it they are stuffed.

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