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Old 08-02-2006, 16:59   #88
Apprentice Geriatric
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Angry Re: Mohamed cartoons.

I am not a Muslim so I am under no obligation to obey their religious laws in my own environment. The UK may not be an entirely Christian country but it is certainly not a Muslim country and thus Islam must take second place.

If I wish to draw a picture of their profit then I am free to do so. If I publish it and a Muslim is offended by it then it is too bad. He shouldn’t be looking. If I nailed it to the front door of a mosque or posted it through the letterbox of a Muslim then they would have a case. But the cartoons were published in a non Muslim newspaper so if they see it then it’s too bad.

The excrement has already hit the fan In_Fed_Del and the extremists will not let go of this opportunity to further their cause and try to frighten us into bowing down to them.

The only way that a line could be drawn under this affair is if the Muslim religious leaders reigned in the thugs and forced them to stop. That action is strangely lacking in the strength that is needed to make it happen.
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