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Old 28-05-2006, 18:18   #65
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Re: Rhyddings park history ??

Originally Posted by simon
On moving into our house a few years ago, I embarked on doing some research on the history of Rhyddings park. Found some interesting information about things in the park and their origins, Most fascinating was the house that once stood proud in the "park" which was the garden for this splendid house.Ryhddings Hall.
The picture's that excist on file in they library are wonderful to look at, the house was built for mill owner Mr Watson, and was a beautiful building, after this house was given to the council they in there wisdom used and abused it until they chose to demolish it along with part of our Beautiful heritage.
I will not dribble on at length about the many things you can find in your local library given TIME..

But I did wonder if anyone else had done any research into this bit of history????? Because one thing I have tried to find out about without results is the fact that Rhyddings hall was built on the site of what was described as " Rhyddings old hall" which made my mind wander as to what this was?? But can not find any information on this.... Can anyone else help???
It looks like you have a lot of history of rhyddings park, but the history i remember is when i used to live at the top end of Rhyddings st, 30+yrs ago it was a main attraction for famileys, in the summer you could go there and they would be bands playing in the bandstand, punch a judy shows going on, entertainment etc. The main field used to be packed, the bowling greens used were always packed, you had to wait your turn, and the swing park, well you used to be lucky to get on. Shame you didnt live there then, its sad to see the park so quite now, and im sure folk from ossy would agree
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