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Old 21-06-2006, 16:50   #27

Re: Smokers unite before it is too late.

I'm a fairly liberal type of guy, so naturally am in favour of allowing each to his own. But I do think that the smokers of this thread are being irrational. number 1. "Let's ban cars then too! Cars make smoke. Drivers are worse!" Nice point I'm sure and not one that I'm going to pretend doesn't exist. But seriously... cars serve a purpose. Smoking doesn't really. As for the point about Smoking not causing cancer... what? I just don't get it. How you can seriously smoke one of those things and believe that it's not doing you any physical harm is beyond me. "But being fat is worse!"

I also don't understand the people who can't comprehend how smoking could be made illegal. "But rapists are worse!" Of course they are. But is doing dope worse than smoking tobacco? Both can cause cancer when smoked. Both cause psychological changes. Why not classify tobacco as a class C drug?

To say that it impinges on your civil liberty is a fair point but I don't hear you complaining about having to wear a seatbelt, about having to clean up after your dog, about it being illegal to inject heroin into your veins. There are certain liberties which must be removed in order to protect the rest of humanity. This is one of them. I'm personally not against you smoking as you walk down the street, but I have to say that sometimes, particularly on still days, smokers at bus-stops can really annoy me. Why should I have my right to clean air impinged upon by an inconsiderate arrogant and completely self-centred smoker.

I'm not saying that all smokers and like that, far from it! There are quite a few people who will stand away from the crowd in order to enjoy a smoke. And I'm very thankful to them as well. Policemen smoke too. I'm sure that if smoking does become illegal in public places that they won't mind if you're having a smoke at a deserted bus stop. They aren't all unreasonable bafoons.w
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