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Old 07-07-2006, 21:39   #6
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Re: Saturdays' recruitment drive


THE Ultras were formed by a group of like-minded fans who were passionate and committed to increasing the atmosphere at Accrington both home and away. We believe that our support, for a club our size, is second to none and ‘The Ultras’ will only improve this in the long term. By supporting Stanley with large, colourful flags and banners, and travelling in numbers it is hoped that we can make a difference. It can be hard to follow a lower league club at times but we do it because we love our club. Also, we all know what happened to the club in 1962, so it is vitally important that we, the fans, continue to do our bit.

On the 5th August of this year there will be a monumental moment in Hyndburn sporting history.
This is the day that League Football returns to Accrington for the first team in over 44 years

In 1962 football in Accrington ceased because of the apathy displayed by the people of lace Accrington towards their team. The club folded due to a lack of support and crippling debts. The modern day team have no debts whatsoever and under the guidance of Eric Whalley will continue to trade in a solvent fashion. However, the support still needs to increase in order to sustain League football in the town.
The Ultras are determined that we should get around town and do all we can to get people to the ground. This is where you, the local businesses come in. We all know that the feelgood factor associated with sporting success has knock-on benefits to the local economy in many different guises. We want to include everybody in our recruitment drive and have devised Red and White Fortnight to raise the profile of our club.

From the 22nd July through to the 5th August we want every shop possible in the town to display some element of Stanley support in their shop. We want to see the whole town decked out in the Red and Whitery of Stanley. We want the whole of East Lancashire to see that we are alive and well and that we are proud to say that we support Accrington Stanley.

Your display could be in the form of a window display, a flag or scarf behind the counter, allowing your staff to wear an Accrington shirt on Saturdays, or even just a good luck poster on the door. You needn’t spend a lot on your display, a dozen red and white balloons cost just pence. You may have an Accrington fan amongst your staff who could bring in their scarf or shirt.
The sky is the limit on what can be achieved with just a little bit of thought and creativity.

Of course, there is always the matter of incentive. Accrington Stanley Football Club have offered a prize of four tickets to the Gazelle Lounge to a Nationwide League 2 game this season. The Gazelle Lounge is a hospitality suite that includes complimentary drinks, half time buffet, programme and reserved seating. This is always a popular option amongst the sponsors.
The business premise that has the most eye-catching display in town will receive this prize as well as getting free publicity through the Official Matchday Programme and the supporters fanzine ‘No F in roof’.
We are also going to have mainstream media behind our drive, with the two local newspapers getting involved and we are also talking to the major local radio stations in an effort to really drive this promotion. contains any information you may require about the club, sponsorship and The Gazelle Lounge. It also contains a poster under the banner for the next game. It would be a great help if you could print one off for our home matches and display them in a window. Contains all you need to know about Red and White Fortnight. This is a forum for local people and will contain discussion about the various display around town, as well as a poll for the eventual winner. Contains all you need to know about Stanley Ultras. Also it will contain more discussion about what events we are backing this year as an effort to increase the profile of ASFC.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you will find it a worthwhile and entertaining project should you wish to get involved. If you need any further info please contact me at

[email protected].

Yours truly,

The Ultras

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