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Old 17-07-2006, 21:20   #10
Apprentice Geriatric
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Talking Re: Middle East Crisis

The Palestinians kidnapped an Israeli soldier and then later on the Lebanese pinched two.

This upset the Jews so they said, “Give us back our soldiers or else.”

The Palestinians and the Lebanese said, “Get knotted we are keeping them until you release our people.”

So without any further ado the Israelis showed that they do not bluff and started to knock ten bells out of Palestine and Lebanon. The Palestinians and Lebanese retaliated and we now have a mini war in the Middle East. Drat! This could severely and adversely influence the value of my Iraqi Dinar.

The Americans will not say boo to the Israelis because there is a powerful Jewish lobby in the states and in any case the Jews own most of American businesses.

Will that do you Tinkerbelle and anyone else who is puzzled by the events?
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