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Old 14-08-2006, 08:37   #18
Apprentice Geriatric
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Angry Re: 1200 terrorists in Britain

Originally Posted by BillGreene
If your comment is based on the religion of this country then at the time that Islam came into existence, (early seveth century) this island was basically pagan. Those Christians who came with the Romans had, within 100 years of the invasions of the Saxons, Angles and Jutes been replaced by pagans.
It was not until the arrival of St Augustine (597) and his work, also in the early sixth century that there were a significant number of Christians in England.
My comment was not based on the religion of this country. If it had been I would have said so. However much obliged for the brief history lesson, which I was aware of, although other readers may not have been.

The pagans (which could be seen as a religion of sorts) overwhelmed the immigrant Christians (although in those days they were known as invaders) but to no avail as history reveals. The point is Christianity was in the British Isles BEFORE Islam and thus has precedence.

John Reid has been quoted as saying that during the last few years at least 4 terrorist attacks have been thwarted. At least? Doesn’t he know how many? Or is it all hogwash to try and convince the public that the recent airport disruption was justified?

If an attack has been prevented it must have been done so on some sort of evidence. If the evidence was so strong to allow the security forces to take action it would be equally strong enough to present in a court of law and gain a conviction. Or have we already got a police state where they can raid a house on suspicion and then walk away when nothing is found. It seems that we have as the recent over-the-top raid on one house clearly shows.

I don’t recall at least 4 court cases where terrorists were charged with some offence.

True to form this government is spinning the very real problems into something much worse than it is. Why is open to conjecture.
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