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Old 14-08-2006, 18:33   #26

Re: 1200 terrorists in Britain

"If you haven't got anything to hide whats the problem with an ID card"

I cannot stand that sort of argument. If you've nothing to hide... why not let the govt. install CCTV in your bedroom? Why not let them charge you for the privilage while you're at it. And how about letting them monitor everything you say on your phone. Frankly it's none of their business. The govt should be here for the people. For me and for you. Why they need to monitor every single one of us for the purposes of "Anti-terrorism" is beyond me. If they have a problem with illegal immigrants, they should up border control. If people are abusing their benefits, target them. Don't splash everyone with the same brush and reduce *my* freedom and right to privacy because *someone else* abused theirs!
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