Thread: Am I Racist?
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Old 29-09-2006, 14:34   #46
Foreign Correspondent

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Re: Am I Racist?

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
If I was the person wearing the Star of David and you told me about the pork I would appreciate that Biillcat, just as I do appreciate anyone warning me about sherry trifle knowing I'm a Mormon.
Actually, I think it would be thoughtful to note any dish that contained alcoholic beverages as an ingredient - and not just for Mormons. There are a lot of folks who try to avoid it. Friends of Bill W., just to cite another large group.

Question, as long as we are on the topic. Suppose I were serving a hot dish where wine or beer had been used an an ingredient. The alcohol boils off quickly in the cooking, leaving only the flavor. Would that be a problem if served to a Mormon? Or, as I noted when at a Kiwanis convention in Salt Lake City, there are some Mormons who avoid caffeinated beverages. What if coffee was used in a recipe?

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