Thread: Am I Racist?
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Old 30-09-2006, 19:58   #78
I am Banned

Re: Am I Racist?

Originally Posted by poppy
6 pages of mutual back slapping and general ganging up on someone who has an opinion that is different. I lost count of the amount of posts calling me a racist.

May I ask one question before the next mass love in. Why is it OK to call me a racist and get a slap on the back but not OK for me to do it? Do I need some sort of funny handshake to be treated the same as everyone else ?

Lot's of insults to follow I guess.

Good bit of back peddling there willow. Yes coloured people are human. and they call me a racist. My racist crime was to ask why someone was pointing out bad drivers are pakistani. I just wanted to know why the nationality was used. Was that such a horrible question folks? Yet you post racist jokes , make racist comments and then follow it up by calling me a racist.

Step back and take a long hard look at yourselves. then turn to your fellow posters for comfort.

See you on Tuesday.
I never said they were bad drivers. I said that the vast majority of Imprezas/evo's speeding round our streets were driven by pakistani's. Never mentioned anything about bad driving. Off you trot there a good lad.
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