Thread: Am I Racist?
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Old 30-09-2006, 22:00   #81
Resident Waffler

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Re: Am I Racist?

Originally Posted by poppy

Good bit of back peddling there willow. Yes coloured people are human. and they call me a racist.

Back peddling? I was annoyed before. Now I am downright fuming. I have not backpeddalled. I stand by my original statement 100%. YOU misrepresented what I said. I NEVER at any time suggested that anyone wasn't human.

If you were capable of taking off your blinkers for long enough to read it properly you would see that what I said was the exact opposite of what you claim I said. And no, I haven't editd it since. Face it. You misread it and then accused me of saying something I didn't say.

What I did say was that all people are first and formost human and that I actually have to stop and actively make myself think about their RACE before I can say how many are black, white or sky blue pink with yellow dots on. Got it yet?

If you can't see your mistake then I can only assume that you are unable to actually read what is written under your nose.

I would have accepted your apology if you'd have offered one at this stage but to come back at me and insist that I have changed my views and back pedalled is adding insult to injury.

Has it not occurred to you that the reason everyone seems to disagree with you is not because we are all into mutual back slapping but that perhaps you might just possibly be wrong? Wrong about the original poster you accused of being racist, wrong about what I said and wrong about everything else you have said on the subject since then.

Incidentally I haven't a clue who the original poster is and have never met them in my life as far as I am aware. No ulterior motives in agreeing with their point of view apart from the fact that I agree with their point of view!

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