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Old 07-10-2006, 16:53   #12
Tricia's Avatar

Re: Rules of engagement

You are right that I did look in FAQs first, because I thought that would be the obvious place to find what I needed. But I also did a general search of the site, as witnessed by the fact that I eventually found Len's post.

I really am not trying to be difficult. My idea was supposed to be a helpful suggestion. It would help me, and I am sure it would help other new users.

It's just that I'm having a hard time finding my way around. At your suggestion in your private mail, I just did another sample search on the topic of Karma, and came up with a list of 20 different threads (yes - complete _threads_, not just individual posts!).

Having some time to spare today, I thought I would do the job properly and tried to sift through them, but mostly all I found was simple references to people having their karma deducted or added to. Hardly anything about how the system actually works. It just proved that I was right when I said it was a time-consuming and not very rewarding exercise.

I love this site. Don’t get me wrong. But I don’t find it very user friendly.

For instance, after reading Lettie's post, I did a search of FAQs to find out how I can make a donation and, guess what? “Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.” In this case, a search of the site came up with 98 (!) threads. And the few I have dipped into were completely irrelevant to site donations.

I would have thought it would be in the best interests of everyone involved to make this facility easy to find.

I do very much enjoy this site and wish I had time to visit it more often, but I would, I am sure, enjoy it a lot more if I knew more about it.


PS That's me banging my head against a brick wall, not me being angry :-(
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