Thread: The Last Straw
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Old 18-10-2006, 13:36   #137
Resident Waffler

WillowTheWhisp's Avatar

Re: The Last Straw

Why on earth object to being served by a shopkeeper wearing the niqab? If it's their shop they can wear what they like. If they sell what I want to buy it doesn't matter to me what they are wearing.

I do find that I don't start up spontaneous discussions with a veiled woman but that's because I feel like I'm intruding into some sort of privacy they wish to maintain. That's probably wrong but it's just the way it seems.

Normally I chat to anyone anywhere (as you'll probably have gathered by the way I waffle on here.) but you don't have the same sort of nod and smile start in RL with someone in full head covering with veil.

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