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Old 03-11-2006, 21:41   #1
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Sleep problems??

Well I have been having problems with sleep this past week or so.

Tuesday night, went to bed at 00:00.....sleep finally came at 02:30am then up for work at 6:30am.

Wednesday thought " oh well 12 hour shift after such little sleep I will be ok I will sleep like a baby tonight".....hmmm BED 11pm......sleep 02:30am up for work at 6:30am.

Thursday knackard at work all day.....could have slept on a washing line. 12 hour shift ended. Relaxed at home and thought, stay up until the absolute last minute before sleep takes over. Went to bed at 1:30am ish......looked at clock at 2am, 2:30am, 3am finally felt sleepy at 3:30am......up for work this morning at 6:30am.

It's not the sleep that is the problem, it's the actually being able to fall asleep. it's as if my mind has gone into over drive and will NOT shut down. When I have finally fallen asleep I stay asleep.
Talking to a lady at work today, and she had the same thing a couple of years back. She took SYNDOL. Now this is actually a HEADACHE remedy, but it contains a relaxent. I bought some from the chemist ( DESPERATE NOW) but I don't want to have to take these just to induce sleep.

Anyone any other ideas??

Sensible ones please.....I'm too tired to read through loads of inuendo's. ( you know who you are)
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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