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Old 04-10-2003, 01:42   #11
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Post Re: Embarrassing things kids have said or done.

while back in england we where re-teaching our wee small children about 999 not 911 as over here. as the youngest was only 2 years old, we where trying to explain when you do this, you know if anyone's hurt or you can't wake mummy or daddy up in the morning, if your in danger ect ect. well we had a great night in one sat night, the next day Hubby gets up, feeds the kids, goes out to footy. The next thing I remember was 2 ambulance men running up the stairs, littleun had come up and said :come on mummy get up" and mommy said "no I can't get up"(in a very groggy voice I must add!!) so the ****** had gone and called 999 and gave address and everything and said :"my mummy can't get out of bed!, after seeing the mess in the living room wine bottles ect, I'm surprised they didn't call childrens aid! but they just howled!
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