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Old 30-12-2006, 18:15   #42
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Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...

Originally Posted by bullseyebarb View Post
Perhaps you'd prefer that Hitler won. War is not a game, funny or otherwise. Up against such an enemy, one goes hell bent for leather. Breaking civilian will used to be a part of that......something only the Islamists seem to understand these days.

Of course not, and don't patronise me. My Grandfather was killed aged twenty two fighting the Nazis.

However, what I was pointing out is that is always the conquered who stand acused of war crimes, never the victors, no matter what atrocities were carried out to achieve that victory.

Saddam was an evil man, but do bear in mind that we, the west, still had both trade and diplomatic relations with Iraq when he gassed the Kurds. It wasn't until he invaded oil rich Kuwait that we decided he was 'evil'. Funny that.

I shall wait with bated breath for Bush and Blair to police the world, and rid us of other evil dictators. Most of whom aren't oil rich, or strategically placed amongst the world's largest oil reserves.

Mugabe, looks like you and the other despots are safe then.
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