Thread: Music Zone
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Old 08-01-2007, 06:58   #43
Resident Waffler

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Re: Music Zone

It's a pity Accy/Hyndburn can't reinvent itself into "that cute little town where you can find something different" - with interesting specialist shops and an interesting enough centre to bring people in.

I've noticed little shops in Hebden Bridge for example which sell the same sort of things I've seen for sale in other shops or even market stalls but able to command higher prices because they are not just limited to selling to locals.

Of course that little old fashioned idea called adverising helps a lot.

I would love to see Accy transformed into one of those dream images the students came up with last year and to encourage people to come here and to seek out our specialist little shops. Instead we seem to be in a downward spiral of yet more cheap charity/pound shops which are all very well and I shop in the latter and donate to the former but we need more than that.

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