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Old 14-01-2007, 13:57   #30
Resident Waffler

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Re: mothers sent home 4 hours after giving birth

Originally Posted by slinky View Post
Yeah that made me laugh Cherokee - I remember having my first. After looking after 2 of my nieces and being very close at hand when they were babies I had to laugh with my first when - Auxhillary nurse walks in " hi mrs. L I am going to take your baby for a bath would you like to come" Me " damn right I'd like to come - scuse me I will bath my baby" AX " oh but it's your first - are you sure you know how to bath him" " yes I know how to bath him thankyou very much, now give me my baby and let me bath him". she was a right bloody know it of it was she was only about 3 years older than me, and YES NO children of her own I hope someone gave her as much KNOW IT ALL advice when she had her first - then again she actually looked like a dyke maybe not lmao
I know what you mean about how frustrating things like that can be but there are probably some new first time mothers who have never had the opportunity of doing anything for someone else's baby and who welcome all the help, assistance and advice that they get from the nursing staff who may well not be mothers themselves and only a couple of years older (or in some cases maybe even younger) than the mother herself but who have had the advantage of experiencing lots of newborn babies on the maternity wards and had the training too. Some new mothers just don't feel confident enough to be able to do things themselves and are very nervous at the prospect of going home where there won't be any official support.

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