Thread: gay adoption
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Old 28-01-2007, 17:52   #173
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Re: gay adoption

i wouldnt mind teh catholic church having an opinion on this matter if their churches wernt led by peodophiles and perverts

not saying all priests etc are this way but throwing stones in green houses springs to mind

any religeon in my mind shouldnt have an opinion on anything , anything they do feel needs to be said shoudl be kept in their churches and said to their followers , they in no way shoudl have any say regarding my or anyone elses life especialy those people that arnt catholic

preach their rubbish to their congregations because they are the only peopel who want to hear it , if i wanted to hear their opinion i would go to church ,infact if tehir god is so almighty and powerfull then the least he can do is drop me an email when he decides to talk to me

i dont deal with middle men if gods got anything to say he knows where to find me

chav waits for thunderbolt
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