Thread: gay adoption
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Old 30-01-2007, 01:19   #222
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Re: gay adoption

i fear i may have joined this conversation a little late as it seems to have evolved rather rapidly, however here's my twopenneth for what it's worth.
for one i have no problem with gay couples adopting children i believe same sex partnerships can provide just as loving a home to a child as any however i do see one small problem. And that is the general wellbeing of the child among his/her peers. As we well know children can be cruel and heartless creatures (not all mind you) and at the first sign of another child being "different" are quick to jump on this and could leave the said child wide open to abuse and bullying.and although the adopted child may grow to be more tolerant of such things as gay relationships in some cases it may swing the other way(no pun intended) and leave the child with quite severe issues.

and point number 2. imho it would be impossible to even consider exemption of any kind for any organisation from these new laws as to even consider it is to leave the door wide open for anybody and his dog to say i'm exempt from being prejudiced and i can do/say what i like (well if it's good enough for them why not everyone else). how can you possibly build a society on a system of one rule for one and another for everyone else(hmmmm sounds familiar).
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