Thread: gay adoption
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Old 01-02-2007, 17:09   #253
Resident Waffler

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Re: gay adoption

Originally Posted by Billcat View Post
Not at all. There is no particular reason why the new agency would have to be staffed by non-Catholics. While the Catholic Church may, as a matter of church policy, not want to work with gay couples who wish to adopt, I know many individual Catholics who would have no objection. Also, given that there is a transition period, it would provide any current staffers time to find another position, as well as allowing the agency to fill any vacancies with new staffers who are prepared to work under the new laws.
It sounds a bit like Trigger's broom!

Originally Posted by Billcat View Post
Another interesting alternative....there is no reason why the Catholic Church could not work with another religious organization (one that would be willing to abide by the new laws, of course) to handle the transition.

If there are other agencies serving the same area, again there are a myriad of possibilities. To give a few examples - The Catholic Church could close its agency and let the chip fall where they may, or could choose to finish the cases they are currently working (at any date during the transition period) and not take on new ones, or they could let one of the other agencies take over the Catholic agency.
Given that they 'work on' cases without a time limit and have always been available to support the adoptee families for years after the legalities of the adoption proceedure have been completed then 21 months would hardly cover that. I can't help wondering if there will be something else in place to help the families who have adopted difficult to place children and who have relied on the follow-up support.

Originally Posted by Billcat View Post
I believe that there are lots of possible outcomes, other than merely having the Catholic agency close up shop. Obviously, it will not be quite the same as it is today. But then, very little in this world remains unchanged for long.
I agree that there are a lot of possible outcomes and I just hope that whatever happens the children don't suffer as a result. By that I mean the children who have already been placed for adoption by the agency which will no longer be there as before to support them.


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