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Old 01-02-2007, 19:54   #16
West Ender
Passed away 25-11-09
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Re: Life’s Little Annoyances!

I solved the squishy toothpaste tube problem ages ago. The answer is a large bulldog clip, fold the tube up from the bottom then fasten the clip on. Be careful to get your fingers out of the way first as trapping them can produce a nasty blood-blister and a few choice expletives.

My pet annoyance is sqeezy bottles of Fairy liquid that, when empty to the point that no more will come out, still have a thick film of detergent round the inside of the bottle - enough to wash up after a banquet. As the cap is, by now, glued on with dried out Fairy gunge the only way to use this detergent is to trickle enough water from the trap down the half centimeter hole in the top. This can result in an impromptu shower/shampoo and a lot of bubbles floating in the air. These bubbles have a direction-finder aimed at the eyes or, in my case the glasses, which temporarily blinds you either by stinging or lens-coating. This leads to you dropping the bottle on the floor and then the detergent will come out - oh yes - everywhere.

It is for the above reasons that, 4 years ago, I bought a dish-washer.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
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