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Old 09-09-2003, 09:25   #56
Full Member

Post Re: Waccy Baccy in Accy

Harry X
1) England is part of Europe and whether you like it or not, it is governed by European Directives so I am not talking about other countries I am talking about laws that affect all parts of the EU, including Accy. Hope the "Euro" has finally dropped, so to say.
2) Possession and personal consumption of class c drugs in the UK is probably already legal - I am awaiting confirmation form someone with more precise information.
3) If it isn't legal, then I agree with you, you shouldn't break the law. But then you agree that smoking dope will be OK in 2 years time when it will be legal.
4) If possession and consumption is illegal how can a café operate under the nose of the police?
5) you still haven't told us if you would stop breathing if Tony Blair announced it to be illegal. How can you influence the legal system if you think the laws are always right
6) would be very interested to know what laws you have broken, you said there were several. Why do you consider that some may be broken and others not? Isn't this a little inconsequent?
7) Please quote those who have said :
"other countries do it so it's OK" - I think I said "other countires do it" - didn't mention it being OK or not
"drinking is worse so it's OK" - Anne and I hve both stated that drinking has been proven to be worse than cannabis both physically and for society. Neither of us said it was OK though
"It is not bad for you so it is OK" - haven't found that one anywhere, please quote.
"blah blah" - of course there is lots of blah blah, it's a chat forum.
I have interpreted your arguments thus:
1) "it is illegal so it's bad - other illegal things may be done however and it will be OK to take class c drugs as soon as Tony B gives the OK"
2) "maybe it is already legal in the UK and Europe, but Accy is different, I refuse to admit that we have been part of Europe for 30 years"
3) "drinking is not bad because it is legal, even if it causes many problems in society, who cares, it is legal."
4) "I don't want dope to be legalised because if it were legal I would do it and would start smoking again. I am weak and unable to make up my own mind - please protect me with the law, otherwise if it is legal I will have to do it because it will be legal and therefore OK."
5) "the argument is whether it is legal or not - has the penny dropped yet? We are not discussing the pros and cons and opinions on the café or drugs in general just whether it is legal or not. Why don't they want to understand me"

And finally, yes I will answer your last question (again), I refer to ALL my earlier posts, I do not believe people should break the law and openly take drugs in England or in other countries as I believe it can bring about health problems (similar to those of tobacco) and social problems (though maybe not as bad as those caused by alcohol). However, the reason I don't think people should smoke cannabis is not because it is illegal, because I don't think it IS illegal any more. And if it is, then no, you shouldn't break the law, but if it ISN'T illegal, my arguments stay valid - I would not take drugs nor encourage others to do so whether they are legal or not - in the same way as I don't smoke or encourage smoking.
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