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Old 12-06-2007, 17:28   #38
Resident Waffler

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Re: Any other Graduates out there?

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
If every member posted about their offspring passing A levels there would be little else to read.
Call me a miserable git if you wish (I dont mind that from you, darling )

If the members didn't post their own personal news items such as exam successes this could turn into a very boring forum indeed. It's these little personal touches which keep it alive and friendly.

I have probably posted about my daughters' successes and failures in their dance competitions. I was particularly proud of Emz when she injured her foot but still went on to win a medal in another dance. I was proud of her achievement.

Where are you suggesting we draw the line? Do we no longer ask for help or advice as Lindsay did with her horsefly bites? Do we no longer tell of our funny experiences?

I sincerely hope you and your miserable opinions remain in the minority or this board will die a slow and agonising death as many others have done.

BTW Brian, not everyone here goes on from High School to further education. Some leave at 16 (but this is due to change as the government puts the school leaving age up to 18) and simply get a job. Some get an apprenticeship. Some continue their education at 'night school' or by correspondence courses. Some go on the 6th Form College and then leave from there and yet others go on from 6th Form College to University.

6th Form College is a bit of an anachronisitic name stemming from the days when High School began with Year One all over again up to Year Five for those leaving after 'O' levels (the equivalent of today's GCSEs) and Year Six for those going on to do 'A' levels. Nowadays the year numbering continues from Primary School which ends with Year Six so they start High School with Year Seven.

Maybe we don't do 'graduating' as it's such a hotchpotch when it comes to leaving. The year 11 pupils just sort of fizzle away from school when they have finished their particular exams or courses and do not all leave at the same time - even if they do all meet up again for the Prom.

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