Thread: Who is this??
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Old 04-08-2007, 00:02   #1
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Who is this??

I was looking through some things about Cannon and Ball (( because I saw the Harper Brothers which is bobby Balls sons, in Blackpool during my stay at pontins in June)) and noticed this fella...................noticed he came from Accrington, but I don't know him, maybe I was too young.


Barnaby - real name? Well, we'd love to tell you, but it's a well-kept secret.
Hailing from Accrington in Lancashire, his all-important break came when he auditioned and was accepted for Granada Televisions 'Fame Game' which he won a record seven times. He has since appeared on TV-AM, The Wide Awake Club and Yorkshire Television's 'Ask No Questions'.
November 1985 found Barnaby touring abroad with Welsh comedian Max Boyce, with whom he appeared throughout Britain during that summer. Following appearances with Cannon and Ball in the spring of 1986, he again appeared throughout the summer and autumn on extensive tours with Max Boyce.
During Spring 1987 Barnaby will be returning to work in Malta where he is much in demand in the top hotels.
Barnaby's comedy is clean and witty and his personality has the necessary 'twinkle' to suggest that he can be 'innocently naughty' - but nice.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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