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Old 05-08-2007, 10:23   #59
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Re: One guy's way of getting back at smoking ban.

Originally Posted by mr_flibble View Post
I cant believe there are people actually argueing for being able to smoke around other people who dont smoke. Tabaco should be illegal full stop. Its a terrible, harmful substance and the entire industry is sick.

I dont smoke (not a surprise given my last comments) and i cant understand why anybody would. Do you people have any idea how much treatin cancer that could never have happened with out tabaco costs thing country each year? and not just people who smoke but passive smokers to.

People will moan and cry about having to stand outside and smoke but one day nobody will smoke at all, it will all slowly die out and then people will say 'i cant believe people back then actually smoked that stuff, didnt they know it was killing them?'

Smokers say it harms their freedom and human rights, but what about the freedom and human rights of the ever increasing non-smoking people of this country?

If you think its ok to smoke in a pub full of other people then surely it should also be ok to smoke crack, weed or any other substance in the same place, after all they are all just as harmful.

In fact if smoking in a room full of other people is ok then it should be ok for me to walk in with a big bag of asbestos dust and start shakeing it around the room for people to breath in.
Oh dear, Mr. Flibble, this is just pre-ban campaigning stuff and most smokers are willing to succumb to this decision.. what is being discussed now is the non-smokers grumbling about not being able to get seats outside. Please bear in mind though that most seating areas outside the pubs were not there before, and only constructed to accommodate people who wished to smoke without it affecting others, whilst having their beer. So they have only gained.

Again, the tax from cigarettes pulls in enough revenue to cover any smoking related diseases and plenty left over for other treatments within the NHS.
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