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Old 17-08-2007, 18:27   #43
Margaret Pilkington
Beacon of light

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Re: Look let's face it I'm a miserable Sod!

In the very recent past there have been members who proved themselves to be 'Trolls'.....I didn't know that word in the context of new members who provoked arguments between members of a well established site......I thought that trolls were mythical beings of Norse origin......but these people caused a lot of bad feeling for a while there....I'm not sure if you were around at the time Royboy, but they insulted a lot of the long standing members here......maybe that has some bearing on the current discussion.

Personally, I have always tried to be courteous to other members of the forum, bearing in mind that there are many viewpoints to subjects other than my own, I have never knowingly insulted a member or given bad karma for someone expressing an opinion different to mine......New members are vital to keep discussion going and to bring fresh ideas too, but some of them have not been an asset to the site at all....and once they have caused trouble they then say what a rotten place it is......well, there is a solution to that......if you(and that you is a collective term) don't like what is going on on here then don't come onto the forum. Simple as.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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