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Old 23-08-2007, 19:43   #19
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Re: Boy, 11, is shot dead in car park

Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee View Post
Gosh I could go off in many ways here but just to make one point. Who is to teach the next generation morals, values, respect? Many of the soon to be parents, by many admissions above, have not had that upbringing. How can they teach it to their children? I agree it's not the government's problem to solve and most of the churches have failed in this role (IMO).

I don't think that the churches have failed, I think that the idea of god is dead for most people. Not surprisingly the First World War put paid to that for a lot of people, particularly the men who had been at the front, the mothers who had lost sons, and those who had lost husbands and lovers. Not surprisingly, Existentialism flourished after the First War, even tho it didn't begin then. It interests me that parents in tough times, depression and war, seem to instill solid values in their children ... not always, I agree, but a lot of the time. But we don't want to go back to poverty and laissez-faire govts in order to get the young straightened around. Humans are resourceful creatures, (especially when it comes to technological fixes which won't work here). Between giving up, boarding up, arming, and letting the masses go to hell on the welfare train, and instituting some ultra right wing regime that will crush crime and civil liberties with the same jackboot, there has to be at least one middle way.

In case you are waiting, I have no firm idea of what it is.
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