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Old 02-02-2004, 12:29   #16
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What Clock? If you mean the round object in the town hall window, then that may be a clock - then again, it may not. If it is, then I could'nt tell the time either from it.

The simple reason we can approximate the time is that we know the front of the town hall faces approximatly south. The picture is taken in May, according to the caption, so by roughly working out the angle of the sun and the length & direction of the shadows we can ascertain that this piccy was taken sometime in the afternoon.

A similar technique can be used for the sunken gardens, which roughly face East by South East. In the Piccy of Avenue Parade, we see the shadows by the lampost are long and lean, suggesting it is coming towards the evening.

As for Saturday, then that should be pretty obvious. What are all those guy's doing lolling around the front of the town hall? Why are'nt they at work? For that matter, why is'ny the photographer at school (possibly work). Was this camera a birthday present, with Jambutty rushing out to take some Piccy's of the town centre? I'm pretty sure these were all taken on the same day, and that day was a saturday.
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