Thread: New Tesco Store
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Old 06-10-2007, 08:28   #40
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Re: New Tesco Store

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
Sticking another supermarket in the town centre will be the final nail in the coffin for whatever small shops and stalls are left in/on the market.
Absolutely! If this is allowed we will end up with more closing shops; more job losses, even less of a community that we have.

Why can't we achieve this through a market of individual retailers? All we need is to encourage a wider broad of market stalls which cater for the majority of peoples shops. Heck we could go all out and create a new supermarket right there on eagle street, but why not have a load of independant retailers inside it?

People might go wild at Tesco apparently cheap prices but half the time its nonsense. Look at what you're paying for, is it the same quantity as you can get on our market? I know theres washing up powder that you can get at Supermarkets that seems cheap, its actually got less quantity in the box than whats sold on our market and the market price is cheaper! So not only will you benefit but you'll stop feeding the (Let me turn in to Jambutty for a second) fatcats on the executive board at Tesco.

One of the main reasons I am against socialism is state monopolys, well capitalist monopolys are NO BETTER! I don't want to find every town with a blood Tescos in and nothing else because everywhere else has closed down. You don't get a community feel in such a place, you might see an odd friend now and then, but lets face it its just not the same as going to your local market stall where theres choice and vareity, not to mention good quality goods!

We already know they're a bit of a con. Like when Asda did really really cheap roses at valentines day, they were clearly making a HUGE loss but did it to get shoppers in, because they'll make it up on the other items, which means you're getting taken to the cleaners on mystery items. Not to mention the valentines day thing was just a complete gimick as they ran out REALLY early on, so people had to buy more expensive, lower quality than the market, flowers.

To sum my rant up, it might be a simple and convenient way to shop, but do we really need one in our town center? Would you really want to see our market even more empty, even more charity and pound shops? We've already lost a book store to the supermarkets and now you have VERY little choice. The music shops have gone too.. ok that could be due to piracy but worldwide record sales don't suggest it is. But do you have a huge choice in Asda? No.

It would be such a shame if we were limited to buying certain things in our own town, instead having to shop online or go elsewhere.

We're only small, we don't need a supermarket in our center. Fight it.
formerly cyfr

Last edited by andrewb; 06-10-2007 at 08:33.
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