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Old 29-10-2007, 20:52   #16
Apprentice Geriatric
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Cool Re: 'PPI' or product protection insurance

The only person responsible for a debt is the person who took it on unless they had a guarantor or a co signatory to the debt.

The banks issuing credit cards want people to believe that if the CC owner dies the next of kin are liable for any outstanding balance. But they aren’t and never have been.

In days gone by when taking out a bank loan, the bank required the signature of the spouse allegedly as a witness. The reality was that they unknowingly became a co signatory to the loan.

The only person liable for the CC debt is the deceased, or rather his/her estate, unless there is more than one person assigned to the CC. In that case the survivor shoulders the burden.

If the CC were for one person then the balance due would be way down the line if for instance there were an outstanding Income Tax/National Insurance/VAT debt. Unless it could be proved that the deceased had deliberately gone on a spending spree from his deathbed. Even then it wouldn’t be at the top of the list.
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