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Old 12-12-2007, 18:57   #1
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Just a passing thought

Just a passing thought, Perhaps I shouldn't have stopped it as it was going on it's journey, but I had a fleeting moment of rememberance.

It was something to do with Ianto but it passed, then it knocked again because I remembered Mr. Butterworth didn't say a lot but his drawings were interesting, and maybe it would be nice to have our own 'virtual' garden of rememberance, because unfortunatly we have lost a few members to the grim reaper.

Just off the top of my head a section on accyweb for those that have gone but aren't forgotten, a link to their posts that would be accessable to all that wished to go there, perhaps locked off so that the sick and strange couldn't interfere with what they had said, it may seem a little morbid but just 'cos they've gone doesn't mean they should be ignored.

It's open to thought, throw at it what you feel.

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Winnie the Pooh
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