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Old 12-12-2007, 22:43   #12
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Just a passing thought

So, I'm on a winner here,

Everybody seems happy with the idea of looking after the dead.

Not a problem to me, they have all taken the leap we can only contemplate.

Here's another thought though, would it be possible for us to look out for those that are still with us but have other problems as well? I cover most of my problems most of the time, by playing hell at other members, but there are plenty out there that will always be worse off than us because of physical or mental problems, how can we make their lives better?

I get a glimpse every day so far as mental problems are concerned, (anything physical always seems minor), I look in the mirror.

The dead need to be honoured in some way, but the vulnerable need to be cared for!

OOp's sorry I've become a bit heavy with my ideas!
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