Thread: Giving birth
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Old 31-03-2004, 03:00   #16
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Re: Giving birth

Hi Jo congrads on your up coming event, I havn't been on for ages so just navigating through and catching up! Over here we're advised not to jump in the bath if your waters brake cause you could get an infection. I belive the water we use over here for the birthing pools are specific for that, Proberbly cause we put so much crap in our daily water to clean it up! But there's no harm in jumping in the shower.

My waters broke at home with my first and I was sleeping on a water bed!!!!!took me a second to relise what it was!!!!! What helped me through that labour was while I was pregnant I used to go to sleep with one of those nature sound CD's. when I went into labour, we took it with us and put it on. I slept for ohhhhhhhhhh 6-7 hours!!!! in fact they had to wake me up to deliver!!!!!!!

it's really not that bad but watch out for the burning!! everyone fails to mention that oh and you'll be starving afterwards as your digestive system shuts down while in labour so nothing stays down!!!!!

good luck!!!

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