Thread: bullying
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Old 10-02-2008, 17:39   #33
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Re: bullying

Originally Posted by blazey View Post

I think parents who encourage their children to 'hit them back' should do so cautiously, because acting like the bully doesn't encessarily solve the problem, and can make some victims of bullies end up bullying others themselves, like the first type of bully, or end up like the second type of bully with the 'if you cant beat them, join them' type of attitude.

I don't think any sort of violence solves anything.
I agree entirely with this Blazey .. heard many a parent tell their children to 'Hit 'em back where it hurts'. Think OK if you are in an extremely bad defensive position, but best to deal with in other ways.

My son has always been good with words and wit, and got himself out of any potential situation with this ... can't say that for daughter, although good verbally, would always strike back like a cornered rat .. just came natural like .. nobody messed with her I can tell ya.

Think I may have reacted a little like Panther (although I do have a little difficulty with causing people physical harm) and Burt initially.

Was one small situation with son, think probably in his second year, seems older lad was using his arm as a punch bag on the school coach in the mornings. Fortuitously, PE Master picked up on this and once confronted, son was not afraid to explain bruising on his arms .. situation was soon despatched I can tell ya' with bully on the mat, and letters to his parents.

He did not tell me about this until a couple of years later ... (after about 10, they will not allow you to scrub their backs in the bath ) .. by then, of course, he was a strapping 6 footer himself, towered above the bully, but am confident he never sought any sort of retribution.
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