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Old 30-04-2004, 23:45   #15
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Re: Football...but not as we knew it.....

Wow. Where to begin on this mess? Isn't it odd that those entrusted with the power to preserve and uphold the things we hold dear so often seem to be out of touch with the reality of how we think and feel? This Blatter moron reminds me so much of the idiot Commisioner of my beloved NHL here in the States who is slowly but surely sucking all of the tradition and passion out of the sport -- all in the name of a marketing scheme.

While I am not a big fan of the draw, I abhor the idea of allowing a team game to be decided by an individual competition. Granted, with the physical demands of playing the game and the substitution laws, it is not always feasible for a match to be decided on the field of play so, short of watching the players collapse, one by one, due to exhaustion, the penalty shootout is a necessary evil. It's just not necessary for every single match.

As for making this change to pander to our side of the Atlantic...the poor man is sadly mistaken if he thinks this (or any other change, for that matter) is going to kick off some sort of soccer revolution. He should concentrate on not alienating the fan base he does have around the world. Soccer is currently the most popular sport for children in America by a wide margin. However, as we have all seen, that doesn't necessarily translate to huge marketing dollars. Why? It's anyone's guess and, quite frankly, not likely to change any time soon. Ceejace, I don't think that diving has anything to do with it because all of the major sports over here have their own version of "simulation" that their detractors emphasize and their fans overlook. (I have a sneaking suspicion that the major reason has to do with the game being played without any stoppages for commercial breaks, but that's just my opinion.)

In an almost perverse way, I hope it stays that way. (You can't begin to know how much I enjoy the perplexed looks I get when I answer the question, "What does that A-N-F-I-E-L-D on your license plate stand for?") Those of us over here who follow the beautiful game don't need the validation of the rest of the American viewing public nor do we need the all-important bottom line intruding into our sporting life any more than it already does. All I ask for is an internet connection and enough satellite subscribers to keep Fox Sports World and GOL TV on the air.
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