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Old 02-05-2008, 12:57   #24
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Re: Local Election Results

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
Massive change of views since January
Yes I touched upon this in another thread and said somewhere that I wouldn't normally agree with not voting. Unfortunately I have met an increasing number of people voting for people merely for the sake of revolting against another party, which completely defeats the point in my opinion.

For example I have a friend at uni who suggested that the BNP were the only party supporting the british working class at the moment (which is nothing more than I expect from him) but the shock was that the labour, liberal AND socialist who I was with didn't bat an eye lid and said they can understand why he thinks such a thing, and unfortunately many people are thinking like him and voting for BNP.

I would rather that if people didn't genuinely back a party then they don't vote, and even more so if they have misconceptions about a party.

I know you were probably trying to just make me look like a hypocrite, but in fact all I can say is that I have genuinely changed my mind on the matter.
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