Thread: bail hostel
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Old 06-05-2008, 09:30   #78
Resting in Peace

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Re: bail hostel

I'm a little confused by the papers report of housing people who were out earlier than the length of their sentences.

I understood Bail houses were just that, to house people who had not been charged or proven guilty in their crime, and that they have no particular permanent abode so at least easy to find and monitor.

They, apparantely, only put in 'offenders' who would not pose a threat to the public.

Listened to a lady interviewed who had lived across from one for years, and the close residents were given a contact number if any disturbances, etc., and she said they were down like a shot to sort out matters and did. Better service seemingly than if you or I have a troublesome neighbour.

I expect lots of people have lived next door to bailed people who have a house to go back to, and maybe for worse offences.
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