Thread: Crystal Sculls
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Old 21-05-2008, 13:13   #1
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Crystal Sculls

The latest Indiana Jones movie is allegedly (loosely) based on fact.
This set me off on a googling quest of my own, with surprising results that I want to share with you.

Thirteen Mayan Crystal Sculls

Some sites say that they store knowledge in the same way that silicon chips store knowledge, and the amount of stuff stored on them will be immense.

One old lady in Scotland has one which she found herself as a child whilst on an archeological dig at a Mayan temple with her father. There are 11 more held in museums around the world.

This is where you might think - only one more to be found, but, not so- some sites say many more have been found and some are suspected forgeries.

The number known is further confused by archeological discoveries of more sculls carved in jade in China.

Looking at all the info, I tended to get sidetracked into the mythology of many ancient cultures worldwide, ranging from Mayan, Chinese and North American 'Indian' (apologies to Eric - native peoples)

The summary of what I found is the basic theory that when these sculls are brought together to 'resonate' with each other, all the questions about the whole history of our planet will be answered, and they will direct mankind in the way to avoid 'the end of the world' WOW.

Pole reversal theory
Scientists know that at some time in the history of Earth, the north pole used to be the south pole and visa versa.

They have monitored the fact that the Earth's magnetic field has lessened dramatically in the last 2 decades, and think that this may portend another imminent reversal.

The reversal will cause dramatic climate upheaval (global warming is blink in an eye by comparison), and worldwide catastrophic natural disasters.

During the years preceding the big event we can expect a gradual increase in the occurance of large scale natural disasters - (what has happened in the last few weeks is chilling to think about)

Mayan Calendar

The ancient culture which produced the 13 crystal sculls were scienifically more advanced than was originally thought, and their astronomical calendars have proved accurate.
This was astronomy long long before Gallileo was a twinkle in his great great grandfather's eye.

They knew precice details about the length of an Earth year and their calculations took into account the little bit over the 365days (we have leap years)
Their calendar forecasted the end of civilisation (maybe the world) on (our) December 21st 2012.

This nicely coincides with an extremely rare astronomical event when the planet Venus is in alignment with others.

The overall picture is grim, with the saving grace being the 13th crystal scull
......get digging folks

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