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Old 04-06-2008, 12:31   #34
Resting in Peace

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Re: Biker fuel protest

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
Seeing as you have touched on road humps.

Here in Darwen, loads of new humps have appeared yet there is no money to fill in the thousands of holes. After all a hole is just an upside down road hump, far smaller and thus would use far less material to fill it.

Road humps are supposed to be a traffic calming measure yet on Railway Road new humps have been laid on the road. Prior to the humps you would consider yourself lucky if you could get up to 20 mph let alone above 30 mph. What was the point???
Probably something to do with this Jambutty, best option within the budget for safety :-

'there is a wider argument about 'individual vs community'. Whether advantages gained by individual behaviour should take precedent over the good of the community. For instance, walking is a component in all journeys. Whether that is a 5mile walk in the morning to work or 30feet from the car to the office door. Car accidents are the number one cause of accidental death in England. 61% of all child KSI's (Killed or Seriously Injured) in road accidents 2000-2005 were child pedestrians. This is 16,020 children over a five year period. This is falling but still unacceptable. These children saw none of the benefit from the private car but suffered a serious negative consequence of its use. The same arguments apply to congestion, pollution and use of (now scarce) resources. '
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