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Old 04-07-2008, 16:23   #90
Resident Waffler

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Re: Don't bug me teacher, eating me breakfast.

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post

As for the butty shop – well it’s none of the school’s business who buys what and when. The teacher who stormed in the shop was out of order. She/he should have been in school doing his/her job and not actiung like some avenging Truant Officer. A schools’ responsibility starts and ends at the school gate.
Doesn't the school's responsibility start when the school day starts? Perhaps it is part of the teacher's duty to track down elusive pupils who should have been in school at that time of day. Why do you use the word "avenging" to describe a truant officer? Aren't they just doing their job and ensuring that children are where they should be? What would you suggest a truant officer should do if they find schoolchildren in a butty shop when they should be in school?

I don't know who the particular teacher was but I do know that some teachers (head/deputy head/head of year etc) have far more responsibilities than simply teaching lessons.

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