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Old 05-07-2008, 15:00   #17
Resident Waffler

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Re: you will pray to Allah

Learning about another religion is fine by me. I love to learn about the beliefs and practices of others, but being expected to participate in it is something entirely different. To me, as a Mormon, God and Jehovah are not the same person. It is against our religion to partake of alcohol and my children would be mortified if they were ever expected to participate in a communion service which involved drinking wine. Don't Muslims have the same taboo? They revere Jesus as a prophet but not as the divine Son of God - so how would the Muslim parents feel if their children had been asked to quote from our creed "We believe in God, the eternal Father and in his Son Jesus Christ and in the Holy Ghost."?

I think if the teacher had tried to force children to participate in a religion which was not their own then the teacher was very foolish indeed and added insult to injury by giving detention to those who refused.

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