Thread: New Tesco Store
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Old 09-07-2008, 21:23   #119
g jones
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Re: New Tesco Store

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
This is an interesting point because I think one of the reasons why Accrington has gone down hill is because of people saying 'no' all the time. The local Chamber of Trade or Shopkeepers Forum (whatever they're called - I can't remember) seem to be up in arms about stuff all the time. If they'd been saying yes then possibly there would be more things going on in the town centre. The only way to get investment into the town centre is to drag it in other retailers and create some competition.

Now, I realise that people are nervous about a Tesco taking their trade but let's face it, if you're going to shop in a supermarket you're already in Asda each week anyway.

What has to happen is that the town centre team has to capitalise on this and use it to draw other retailers in and to encourage business to thrive in the area.
I agree Gayle. In general we may end up pandering to backward thinking.

I was thinking of off-licenses, planning. Having a kebab shop of 'offy' plonked in a quiet residential area because national law says so removes power from ordinary people.

I felt that Tesco's was not a choice because of national planning policies. In all likelood, The Council Tax payer would have lost a lot of money. Laws have been tightened to empower local communities but not enough in this case.

If it had been purely a local decision I don't know which way I would have voted because supermarkets are unethical companies. However the vast majority of people in Peel Ward would be in favour and it is their view I am allowed to represent by their support.

I would probably have voted for because i believe the leakage, the amount of extra people shopping in the town because of Tesco's will increase. Also the south side of Blackburn Rd will be transformed into a residential area above the retail and Tesco's will help that transformation in my view.
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