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Old 12-07-2008, 08:26   #34
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Re: David Davis wins by-election

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
how can you claim victory when he had 5000 votes less than at the general election when for the rest of the country polls are saying tories are having a larger share of the vote.this was nothing about protecting civil liberties this was cheap political point scoring in the biggest tory stronghold in england.tories civil liberties dont go together.they used the police as a political football against the miners ,tried to curb free speach by passing the protest bill,tried to get all working rights abolished and opposed the national mininuim wage.made cuts to schools and education budgets stopped any investment in any local services till they were reaching breaking point.they ripped off the british taxpayer by selling off the infrastructure of britain to their mates ie british gas ,british telecom ,british rail,the british waterboard.if they never sold these companies off we wouldnt be in the mess we are now.the gas ,water,electric could keep the price of fuel down not reeking any profit for their chosen few of shareholders....civil liberties you are a joke and always will are the scum of the earth you would rather everybody starve than affect your chosen few would rather the working class work 90 hours a week and make you more money you have no social concience.
Turnout was half that of a general election yet he only got 5000 less votes, that is a really good result. He didn't run on a party platform with a wide range of issues, he didn't run on his own record, he ran on the issues of freedom which gained cross party support. His votes went from 44% to 71% as a result, a massive increase. It isn't the biggest tory stronghold in Britain at all. If Labour and Lib Dem voters had voted for another candidate he would have lost his seat.

Abolished workers rights? Rubbish. Trade Union members were allowed to go back to work rather than being forced to strike by the diktat of trade union bosses.

If we hadn't sold the companies to share holders, which anybody could become, our economy would have collapsed like it was already on the verge of. Fuel would not have been cheaper, the companies would have massive waste to drain all our taxes. We'd be paying the same for fuel but have to pay more tax too. Worst of both worlds. Socialism doesn't work.

I'm scum of the earth?
I would rather everybody starve?
I would rather the working class work 90 hours a week?
I have no social conscience?

You clearly know nothing about me, or why I am getting involved in politics.
formerly cyfr
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